Financing Dreams: CDFI 101

More than one in four households in Greenville County have zero or negative net worth.  Almost 20% of households are underbanked (using pawn shops, payday loans, or non-bank money orders to get by).  It would take 228 years for black families to accumulate the same amount of wealth as whites.  If our community is serious about promoting economic mobility, addressing this wealth disparity is fundamental.

Meeting with Greenville County Council Members

Some of the issues that are of interest to the philanthropic and nonprofit sector in Greenville County – workforce development, affordable housing, transportation, and growth – are ones best addressed […]

Housing and homelessness work reaches milestones

In the early days of Greenville Partnership for Philanthropy, we learned about how service providers to the homeless in Greenville County were collaborating in new ways and how they felt […]