Funder Directory

ScanSource Charitable Foundation

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  4. ScanSource Charitable Foundation


Funder Type:

Corporate giving program
Employee funded charity
Independent foundation

Program Funding Areas
Child Welfare, Community & Economic Development, Education, Families & Children, Philanthropy
Population Areas
All Populations
Types of Grants/Scholarships Considered:
Need specific
Grants in the most recent fiscal year:
57 Grants Awarded
$7,000 Average Grant Size
$500,000 in Total Giving

Mission/Giving Statement

ScanSource is on a mission to provide employees with an opportunity to donate their time, money, and resources to improve the communities where we live and work—with a focus on the welfare of children, K-12 education, and community initiatives.

How to Apply

Accepts Unsolicited LOIs/Proposals:
Grant Cycle:
Once a year
Application Deadline(s):
Our grant-submission window is open March 1 through September 30 each year. After September 30, once the grant submission window has closed, we review all applications received, and grant notifications are sent during December of that same year. Our aim is to provide funding to all approved requests by December 31 of that year

Contact Information

Contact Name
Joslyn Rozema

6 Logue Ct
Greenville, South Carolina 29615


Additional Information

With that purpose at its core, the ScanSource Charitable Foundation helps employees form lasting bonds with organizations and people while making an impact on their communities. The Foundation is a private, nonprofit organization that is entirely overseen by ScanSource employees and devotes 100 percent of its funds directly to the need. From establishing scholarships and supporting education, to providing food and shelter, to putting the “happy” in holidays—the Foundation enables ScanSource to take a leadership role in making the communities where we work better places in which to live. This culture of giving is what defines our people and drives success in everything we do.
Entry Last Updated: November 11, 2022