What We Do

Greater Good Greenville galvanizes organizations, philanthropic funders, and mission-minded people for collaborative problem-solving and learning, advocacy, and joint investing to address our community’s challenges.

Our Vision

Greenville County is an inclusive community grounded in equity and opportunity, where all people can lead healthy, productive lives enriched by the arts and the beauty of the natural environment. 

Our Mission

To be a community accelerator, increasing the rate of Greenville County’s progress toward being a just and equitable place for all its people.


Greater Good Greenville was catalyzed by the merger of the NonProfit Alliance and the Greenville Partnership for Philanthropy

For more than a decade, NPA has convened nonprofit organizations in Greenville County, SC to propel their impact by serving as the collective voice for the sector and providing the connection point to strengthen capacity and innovation. For nearly as long, GPP has worked to maximize the impact of philanthropy by connecting grant makers of diverse backgrounds and experience to share and increase knowledge, improve practice, and pursue opportunities for positive change.

But we have issues and opportunities in Greenville County that are bigger than individual nonprofits and funders can tackle by themselves.

Our communities challenges with affordable housing, quality child care, living wages, and growth are worse than ever. The old ways of meeting these challenges are not sufficient.

Affluent newcomers continue to discover and move to the Greenville area. They bring added pressure as well as potential to give and get involved.

Our elected officials have played a crucial role in the response to these challenges, but the nature of political discourse and involvement has worsened, even at the local level.

Nonprofit and philanthropic organizations have made tremendous power when they come together, as evidenced by joint COVID relief programs, coordinated advocacy for public COVID funds, and the rapid development of county-wide school day care for working parents while schools were online only.

We can make Greenville County a more inclusive community, grounded in equity and opportunity, when we galvanize these forces for good – philanthropic funders, nonprofit organizations, and mission-minded individuals – for collaborative problem-solving and learning, advocacy, and joint investing to address our community’s challenges.