Coaching resources for your nonprofit

Like business large and small and families across the country, nonprofits have been through the wringer over the last six months.  Closures and reopenings with health and safety protocols, loss of revenue, facing a reckoning with racial injustice and systemic racism – and dealing with all of this on a personal as well as an organization level.

And nonprofits’ experiences are compounded by the fact that many have as central to their missions helping community members with these challenges, whether they be food, housing, education, equity, or any of the other impacts of 2020’s turmoil.

We want to remind you that Greenville Partnership for Philanthropy and the NonProfit Alliance have two resources available to Greenville County-based nonprofits.


Strategic coaching. During our session in May on Strategy During Uncertainty, we announced that, thanks to a grant from the United Way of Greenville County’s COVID Relief Fund, we are offering up to $250 for nonprofits to use with a strategic planner/board facilitator/coach to help navigate organizational strategy.   Some Executive Directors have used the coach as a sounding board and thought partner, others have brought in a facilitator to help their boards work through revisions to their strategic plans, and others have held discussion sessions with their executive committees or leadership teams.

This opportunity will close in December, so we encourage those who haven’t applied and are interested to do so.   You can use a consultant of your choosing, or we can connect you with resources based on your needs.  If you’re interested, please let us know.


Equity coaching for boards.  Many of you have said that you’re interested in looking at your mission through an equity lens, but either that you’re not sure where to start or that your board isn’t yet bought in.  Thanks to support from Hollingsworth Funds and the Jolley Foundation, we are offering a board coaching package with Jessica Sharp with Sharp Brain Consulting.  Jessica will meet with the Executive Director and Chair to discuss where you believe your organization is and what opportunities exist.  She’ll make a recommendation of pre-work for your board members.  Then, she’ll facilitate a retreat in which your board will develop a statement of its intentions around diversity, equity, and inclusion and will name next action steps.  Click here to learn more and to register.



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