Resource Development – A to Z

Resource Development Group

How do nonprofits reach new and existing donors?  Understand their passions!  Erik Daubert defines philanthropy as ‘joyful giving’: people give through nonprofits to make the change in the world that they want to see.  Nonprofits need to match the donor’s passion with their mission.

Erik Daubert, MBA, CFRE and AFP master trainer recently led a workshop on resource development for Greater Good Greenville and the Association of Fundraising Professionals South Carolina, Piedmont Chapter.  During the training, Erik discussed individual donors, major gifts, capital campaigns, solicitation, special events, and the culture of the board. 

Here’s Greater Good Greenville’s Top 5 Takeaways:

  1. Have a case for support and know your story.  Be able to articulate your organization’s need during your solicitation and make your story personal, relating it to the donor’s life/personal experience.
  2. Annual gifts lead to major gifts. When meeting with a potential major gift donor, always listen first. Find out about their passions and match that passion with your mission.  Then pause … and wait for their response. 
  3. Be sure to thank donors separately from the next ask. Don’t be afraid to leave a voicemail (these are still relevant!) and don’t underestimate the power of a handwritten note.
  4. Special events: know your why and know your audience. Is the event focused on thanking, recognizing or asking?  Is my audience ready for an in-person event?  Remember, the major goal of any event is for donors to fall in love with the mission of your organization, not the event itself.  
  5. All board members can play a role in resource development. Some can make an ask, others can tell the story of why the organization is important to them, and all can express thanks to donors.



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