Speaking to be Heard above the Noise

A Public Speaking Workshop led by Deb Sofield, Executive Speech Coach

A Public Speaking Workshop led by Deb Sofield, Executive Speech Coach

On August 31, 2023, members of the Greater Good community heard from Deb Sofield, keynote speaker, author of 5 books, radio talk show host, podcaster and president of her own Executive Speech Coaching Co.  Deb explained how to set up the stage for success, the power of body language, and shared words that may save our careers.  Here are our top five takeaways:

  1. The key in all of your communication is to have a clear, concise, and consistent message that conveys empathy, compassion, and humanness to connect with your client or your community. Remember WHAM. The audience is listening to hear What Here Applies to M
  2. Write your own introduction. Have different versions and use the one that is right for the audience. Letting other people share your accomplishments sets you up for leadership.
  3. And then, set your stage for success: use a microphone and always check the equipment beforehand, set the room up in a circle if the space allows, use bright lighting. Use notes, don’t read your notes but do have them available for reference.
  4. Body language is important: carry yourself so others will want to stop, listen, and learn from you. Stand up straight, walk with confidence and have a firm handshake.
  5. Words matter: begin to craft your speech by asking yourself “What question does the audience have” and “what do I want them to remember”. Expand your vocabulary. Be prepared to share an unpredictable (but brief!) story.  Maintain trust with your audience by using phrases such as “You make an interesting point” or “Yes, we need to look into that more carefully” instead of engaging in confrontation. Then transition by saying “Let me add” or “I don’t have that information, but I can tell you”.

For more information, visit Deb’s website at debsofield.com.


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