Strategies to Energize Yourself and Your Team

Nicole Andrews

Nicole Andrews knows how to kick off a new year in the right way!  On February 8, 2023, she led a group of leaders from the Greater Good Greenville community through a leadership workshop, encouraging us all to re-energize ourselves and others by creating or reconnecting to our personal values, vision and purpose. Here are our top 5 takeaways from the session:

  1. All leaders have three professional assets: Time (capacity), Energy (advocacy) and Network (relationships). How do you balance your TEN?
  2. Energize yourself before energizing your team: create or reconnect to your values.  From a list of values, choose 10 that resonate with you, then narrow that down to the top 3 or 5 values.
  3. Determine your vision statement: who you want to be (or become) and what you want to accomplish before the end of your life (future your legacy)
  4. Create a purpose statement by going deeper. Ask yourself “Why”? Look to the past and review your experiences. Ask “Why”?  And again… 7 times or until you have the come to the core of your purpose.  From here, work to create work-life alignment.
  5. Now you’re ready to energize your team, give them V.O.I.C.E. Value, opportunities, information, care and experiences.

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