What’s Next for Boards? Best Practices for 2021 and Beyond!

2020 required boards to pivot to online meetings, strained participation with members’ own busy schedules, and the enormous challenges that nonprofits were facing. What lessons and adjustments can we take into the coming years? And what best practices can take boards from good to great?

Addy Matney with TMPR presented to board and staff leaders to maximize board performance to meet each board’s mission.

The video of her presentation is linked above, and Addy’s slide deck can be viewed here.

We’ve made it easy to put Addy’s recommendations in action – click here for a “to-do” list for executive directors and board chairs to think through steps for best board performance.

Source: https://greenvillephilanthropy.org/whats-next-for-boards-best-practices-for-2021-and-beyond/


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