Capital Campaign Report under development

How many capital campaigns are underway in Greenville County and for how much? What is the purpose and size of campaigns?  To answer these questions for both funders and nonprofits, GPP is developing a Capital Campaign Report. This report will be housed on the GPP website with the purpose of:

  • Assisting nonprofits as they plan for capital campaigns, providing an understanding of the landscape
  • Assisting funders, providing expectations of potential requests
  • Providing information on recently completed campaigns
  • Noting trends over time in Greenville County

Participation in the Capital Campaign Report is voluntary, however several GPP members have expressed that they will require applicants for capital grant requests to have first provided their information in the Capital Campaign Report.

To participate, each nonprofit will be asked to complete a 16 question survey. The survey link is now open. To be included in the first edition of the report, complete the survey by April 15, 2018. Following the initial publication, the report will be updated quarterly.

Access survey here.

A capital campaign, for the purposes of this report, is defined as a fundraising effort beyond annual operating or program budgets. A capital campaign is focused on the purchase of a permanent asset (i.e. land, building, major equipment) or a major renovation project. Endowment campaigns may also be part of a capital campaign.

Contact Catherine Puckett with any questions:


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