Leaning In – Our COVID response is more important now than ever

Leaning in – Our COVID Response Is More Important Now Than Ever from GPP – Greenville Philanthropy on Vimeo.

When the calendar flipped from 2020 to 2021, most of us were unable to view the new year as a time of change and renewal. COVID rates remained high, many people continued to struggle with the economic impacts of the pandemic, and tensions and divisions were even more pronounced than before Election Day.

But the joint webinar hosted on January 27, 2021 by Greenville Partnership for Philanthropy and the NonProfit Alliance revealed there is still reason for optimism in Greenville County. One of the biggest reasons for positivity is the strong partnerships that developed during 2020 between nonprofits, funders, and local government.  Our goal for 2021 is to continue that collaboration for the good of our sectors and the people in our community.

We heard about:

  • COVID-19 Rate Projections, Vaccination Roll Out, 2021 Expectations– Saria Saccocio, Prisma Health
  • Greenville County Schools Attendance Plan, Student Needs and How Partners Can Help – Whitney Hanna, Greenville County Schools
  • CARES Act Funding Rollout, 2021 Expectations – Nicole Wood, Greenville County
  • SC State CARES Act Funding and 2021 Expectations – GP McLeer, SC Arts Alliance
  • 211 Calls, Utility Assistance, and Community Need Seen Through the Helpline – Deborah McKetty, United Way of Greenville County

Click here for slide deck from the session, and click the image thumbnail for the video from the session.


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