We Got a Beer and Undid Nonprofit Power Dynamics (GBUNPD)

On June 21 (summer solstice), GPP members and nonprofit staff got together with no agenda other than having a beer and building relationships. Following the guidance of Vu Lee, author of the popular blog NonprofitAF, GPP and the Nonprofit Alliance hosted several dozen folks at the Greenville Center for Creative Arts, a lively and beautiful space and one of Greenville County’s many vibrant nonprofit organizations, for conversation and creativity. Three lucky guests left with a copy of Unicorns Unite: How nonprofits and funders can build EPIC partnerships.


Unicorns Unite was given to three lucky door prize winners
Cherington Shucker with Greenville Center for Creative Arts, Derek Lewis with Greenville County First Steps, and Debbie Cooper with Community Foundation of Greenville
Chis Manley with Rebuild Upstate, Tamela Spann with Hollingsworth Funds, Tish McCutchen with the Jolley foundation, and Susan Stall with FW Symmes Foundation
Mary Hipp with the Hayne Hipp Foundation, Julie Acceta with Meyer Center for Special Children, Dan Weidenbenner (one of the lucky winners) with Mill Village Farms, and Shannon Spurrier, also with the Meyer Center

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